Can Married Couples Make Love During Fasting in Christianity?

Can Married Couples Make Love During Fasting in Christianity
Can Married Couples Make Love During Fasting in Christianity

For Christians, fasting can be a form of spiritual discipline in which to develop relationship with God for guidance or repentance. Believers often fast as a way to spiritually prepare for what God has done, is doing or will do in our lives.

Fasting may be an act of faith that allows us to focus during periods when we put aside physical comforts such as food so that the spiritual can become more manifest in our souls and spirits. But marital relationships in particular-and the area of intimacy within husband-and-wife bonds -sometimes leave room for questions:

What should we do at these times? In this article we get down to what does the Bible say about fasting and marriage as well assolving doubts regarding intimacy during fasting.

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What We Mean by Fasting in Christianity

In Christianity this means abstaining from food whilst leaving the world behind as one focuses on a journey towards spiritual rejuvenation with communion to God.

Fasting is laid out by the Bible as an opportunity to bring us low before God, look him in the eye and come close enough we might have a conversation with Him. This question of balancing spiritual devotion with marital obligations can be especially resonant for married people.

Biblical Basis of Fasting

In the Bible there are many examples of fasting from both Old and New testaments. For example, Moses fasted for 40 days and nights on Mt Sinai (Exodus 34:28), Daniel fasted for three weeks (Daniel 10-2-3) and Jesus was led by the Spirit to spend forty days in fasting while being tempted in the wilderness(Matt4:1-2). What was common to these fasts were that they involved an intense spiritual focus and prayer.

What does 1 Corinthians 7:5 mean? You can check.

Purpose of Fasting

Fasting In its essence, fasting is done with the intention of getting close to God, asking for help and advancing on faith. Fasting is the intentional denial of normal physical needs or desires for spiritual purposes- it essentially boils down to removing cares and focuses on things that have dominion over us,

so we can better give ourselves wholly unto God. This further elaboration on spiritual things then leads to an ask of what level is permitted during fasting times.

What Does The Bible Say About Fasting And Marriage?

How Can The Bible Relate Fasting to marriage? It does talk about fasting married couples as well which is basically discussing how to keep some peace within the Vatican, but allowing enough mutual consent and communication between spousal parties.

The apostle Paul instructs married couples in 1 Corinthians 7:5, “Do not deprive one another except by agreement for a time that you may focus on prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self control.

Consent and Respect

This dialogue highlight the significance of consensus and comprehension in a relationship. That means a married couple can choose to stop having sex for prayer and fasting – but only under the condition that they give themselves back over so as not to be tempted. In doing this, the spiritual part of marriage is respected just as much as some physical aspects.

Temporary Abstinence

The implied brevity of a period of not having sex found in 1 Corinthians 7:5 allows for spouses to deny each other intimacy as an act spiritual service, without doing so indefinitely. Marital bonding through physical relationship is important for the holistic unity and thereby safeguards marriages from external temptations.

What is Allowed in the Way of Intimacy During Fasting?

Since the Bible suggests mutual consent and occasional abstinence, many married couples often question what fasting means for sexual relations.

“Can I kiss my husband while fasting?”,, I sense God letting me know when fasting can just suck it and take my sorry but to Ben & Jerry’s with my meal example (Unfortunately this is not an exaggeration) Can I mon mary wife on a fast? and Whether I can touch my husband private parts during fasting? frequently arise.

Is it allowed to kiss the husband during fasting?

Almost on the head of it, kissing (as an act of love and affection) is allowed while fasting. A healthy way to stay emotionally in sync and show love without going physical. However, couples should have good intentions and not flirt with it or diminish the sincerity of fasting.

Read – Can I Have Sex With My Wife During Fasting?

With matters of husband and wife and pleasuring the spouse, we should be asking what our GOD-CENTERED way is to actively focus on fasting. This is to refrain from physical desires a little bit so can focus towards growing spiritually. The goal is service-oriented, and serving your spouse might be viewed as an obstruction to this end. Couples should talk things over and chose together, while bearing their spiritual commitments in mind.

Q 396: Can I touch my husband’s private parts while fasting, as it does not lead to sexual orgasm?

Being intimate, particularly in those areas blessed with watershed moments of lust is a minefield during fasting. This would in turn negate the purpose of fasting which is to refocus one’s desires away from physical needs. Thus, there is a chance that couples might have to continue on without this type of intimate touch during fasting as well.

What level of Comprehensive closeness is allowable during fasting?

Though today’s topic is Can Married Couples Make Love During Fasting in Christianity? So here. Until where is intimacy in fasting? This question is highly individualized, and brings in the spirit through agreement of a couple on spiritual goals. Instead, we have to find a balance of the fast that still fulfills its purpose without severing anometric and physical relationship between married couples. Instead, carry out light forms of affection; hug each other, kiss non-erotically and hold hands are ways to keep the bond without disturbing your spiritual path.

How to Keep The Marriage Relationship During Fasting

Fasting provides a balance between the spiritual and physical in marriage, coordination of these two cannot be done without mutual communication on both sides. Below are some of the tips for married couples to deal with this phase

Open Communication

Couples must sit down and have an open, honest discussion about their fasting expectations/boundaries. This way it is showing respect and a perfect understanding party to one another. Talking about how they can support each others spiritual objectives while saving their marriage bond is an absolutely necessary in this discussion.

Setting Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries prevents confusion and keeps us in the Good Place where we want to grow spiritually. Intimacy: Intercourse or other forms of intimacy can be mutually decided upon as well to determine which ones are acceptable and should temporarily go on the backburner.

Supporting Each Other

Fasting is difficult and shared support matters. Reading, and meditating TOGETHER is god for the soul as well… It can create a bond formed from encouraging one another in prayer. Similarly, exploring avenues to connect on a spiritual level fosters an environment of greater unity and collective drive.

Physical and Spiritual Moderation

It is also important to remember that marriage has both physical and spiritual aspects of us as human beings. The key concern is spiritual, but let us not ignore the physical side of our relationship entirely. Couples are advised to have a case where they cometo reconcile their bodies, if at all you want the health of your marriage maintained after fasting session.


Finally Can Married Couples Make Love During Fasting in Christianity?

Fasting is one of the deepest forms of spiritual connection to God. It is also a chance for married couples to bond, with this significant time of understanding and respect. In this regard it is a typical what does the Bible say about fasting and marriage, one of them being Can I kiss my husband while fasting?,

Can fast touchy my wife? Can a lady touch the private parts of her husband if she is observing fast? How cool is it to fast?, And How much hugging and kissing is allowed when fasting? Everyone is allowed to navigate this spiritual journey with a loved one, and by couples.

They can strengthen their commitment to spiritual values and each other, by staying open in communication with one another, being supportive of their mate.


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